About Us

Prof. Ebroul Izquierdo (CEO)

Dr. Krishna Chandramouli (CTO)

Dr. Tomas Piatrik (DCEO)

Dr. Richard Orjesek (Head of Innovation)

Dr. Maros Cavojsky (Head of Software Development)

Anna Romanowska (Communications and Marketing)

Administration Office

IT Administration Office

Software Research and Development Officers

Venaka TReLeaf GbR was founded in September 2019 to provide customised solutions and services in multimedia signal processing and communication systems. Venaka TReLeaf research and development focus on customers needs and develops technology engineered to address those needs. The main fields of work of VTG research and development are cloud computing, media analytics for security applications, surveillance centric coding, web applications and related end-to-end multimedia communications.
A socio-economic activity related to the protection of the environment is at the heart of the company. Specifically, the company is run as a social enterprise for the production of technical means to support environmental protection. The team members of VTG have collectively more than 30 years of experience in identifying problems and engineering optimal solutions. VTG personnel brings extensive research background and track record acquired through participation in EU funded project, as well as, long-standing co-operations with renowned industrial players.
Venaka TReLeaf was registered as German Private Partnership Company (Gesellschaft bürgerlichen Rechts -GbR-) with the corresponding authorities of the federal state of Berlin in Germany on the 24.09.2019.